B-Well Bulletin

Posted October 20, 2022

October 20, 2022

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • October 24 – Principal Lunch
  • October 25 @ 4:30PM – October CSC Meeting (at Bromwell & Virtually)
  • October 26 @ 5:30PM – Middle School Night
  • October 27 – October Bear Paw Awards
  • October 31 @ 1:45PM – Bromwell Community Crawl
  • November 2 – DINE OUT @ The Rotary

FALL CRAWL – The fall crawl is back, and we can’t wait!  Our Bears will be parading through cherry creek north on October 31st @ 1:45pm.  Students may dress up in their favorite costume, Bromwell gear, or just as themselves for our crawl around the Bromwell neighborhood.  Students should wear their costumes to school as we will not have time to change.  They may wear their costume mask during the crawl, but not during the school day.  Please do not send your Bear to school with any toy weapons.  You can sign up to volunteer for the parade HERE.  Finally, we will include a map of our route in next week’s bulletin; we hope everyone can come watch the parade! 

SCHOOL FEES – We wanted to make everyone aware of a change regarding school fees this year.  Historically, field trip fees have been collected via MySchoolBucks at the beginning of each year.  This year, field trip fees will be event dependent, and will be collected ahead of any planned field trip.  

CLASSROOM WEBSITES – Please pardon the virtual dust.  Classroom websites are going live!  We aim to have all websites rolled out in the next few days.  Staff will continue to build our resources and information over the coming weeks.  These websites will serve as a landing page for any and all classroom specific info, and will ultimately replace weekly emails from teachers.  

BROWN BAG LUNCH WITH PRINCIPAL VON WEISE – We are changing things up a bit this year and offering a new opportunity to sit and chat with Principal Von Weise!  Grab your lunch and come join us at Bromwell for an opportunity to discuss topics of interest for community members.  We will meet in the front lobby at 12PM on Monday October 24.  If you would like to submit any requests for topics to be discussed ahead of time, please do so HERE.  

THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS – With grateful hearts we want to say thank you to all of our volunteers who have been helping at recess/lunch, in the library and garden, during our recent beautification day, organizing and running events, supporting fundraising, and keeping us informed; Bromwell wouldn’t be Bromwell without all of you!