Middle School Recommendations

Because middle school recommendations are typically due in the Fall of the school year, which results in a shorter interaction timeframe than if they were due in the Spring, we want to make sure we are capturing as much about your student as possible. This information will help us articulate the most accurate picture of your student.

Also, please note that recommendations can often be linked between various private schools based on the platform that school uses for Admissions. That space is typically labeled and might have the following information: 

Link Common Form

The dropdown below shows all common forms that you have previously submitted or requested at other schools that are eligible to be linked to this checklist item. Choose the appropriate form and click “Next” to proceed. Once the form is linked, it will automatically be sent to the school and the checklist item will be completed.

Unless you share a specific reason that your student needs Bromwell Staff to submit multiple recommendations, please use this option! It allows our Staff to spend more time writing a better single recommendation letter than writing multiple or copying/pasting into multiple requests for the same student.  

In order to assist Bromwell staff with writing the best possible recommendation letter, please answer the following questions no later than December 16

  1. List a few qualities that describe your child at home:
  1. Describe one of your child’s strengths as well as one of their growth areas: 
  1. What are you most proud of about your student and/or their achievements thus far in their short life?
  1. Ask your student and share: what is one thing you want to improve upon this school year?