Bromwell School Hours
Morning Bell: 7:40am
Dismissal Bell: 2:40pm
Drop Off Pick Up
If you are driving your child to school or picking up in a vehicle, you will need to use the Kiss and Go drop off line that starts at 3rd Ave. Place and Columbine.
If you are walking or biking, you can use the Garden Gate (located west of the main entrance, near the Bromwell Garden) or Alley Gate (located in the alley between 3rd and 4th, on the east side of the building).
Parent Portal
If you need assistance with accessing the Parent Portal, or if you have not already set up a Parent Portal account, please visit You will need an email address and your student’s DPS ID#s.
If your child is going to be absent, please call the attendance line at 720-424-9380 by 8:15 a.m.
School Boundaries
What are the Bromwell boundaries? This is the most common question we answer on the phone. Unless you choice into Bromwell through the choice process, you must reside as an owner or renter within the Bromwell boundaries. DPS School Boundary Map.
Bromwell Elementary does not have a formal registration day. All registration takes place on-line through our Annual Family Update process. For more information visit the School Choice & Enrollment website and go to the Annual Family Update under the Enrollment and Registration menu.
Choice Process
If you would like your child to attend Bromwell but you do not live within the Bromwell neighborhood, you can submit a “choice” application. To learn more visit the DPS School Choice and Enrollment website or call them as 720-424-3911.
Relevant Phone Numbers