Welcome to Bromwell Elementary

Bromwell teachers, staff, and the community believe in order for children to be successful, we need to consistently provide a safe, loving, supportive, respectful, positive, welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing environment where we believe in excellence for ALL students. Bromwell teachers, staff, and community create this excellence by meeting the Academic and Social Emotional needs of ALL students.

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Bromwell Bulletin 11/9/23

​It’s almost the end of week 3 of our Annual Fund, and we need you!  We are still in our  “Be the Change” drive, too. This is a chance for kids to break open piggy banks and deep dive intoContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 11/2/03

It’s almost week 3 of our Annual Fund, and we need you!  This coming Monday, our “Be the Change” drive starts too. This is a chance for kids to break open piggy banks and deep dive into couch cushions, orContinue Reading

Principal Post

October 30, 2023 Dear Bromwell Families,        Two months of our school year have already flown by! I hope your student(s) and your family are feeling settled into our general routine, with the knowledge that there are alsoContinue Reading

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Kinder Eric Carle play
Bromwell Science Fair
Bear Paw Awards – Joy
Spring Break – No School