Welcome to Bromwell Elementary

Bromwell teachers, staff, and the community believe in order for children to be successful, we need to consistently provide a safe, loving, supportive, respectful, positive, welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing environment where we believe in excellence for ALL students. Bromwell teachers, staff, and community create this excellence by meeting the Academic and Social Emotional needs of ALL students.

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Bromwell Bulletin 10/24/24

Bromwell Bulletin Fall Crawl is next week! Costumes are optional.  Please check with your homeroom teacher(s) if they are able to wear their costume all day, or if they will be putting it on before the Crawl.  Please do notContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 10/10/24

Bromwell Bulletin Specials Spotlight – PE! The Bromwell Gym has been very alive the past few weeks. 3rd-5th focused on what makes a game fun, and making our own game! We built tag games from scratch and changed the rulesContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 10/3/2024

Bromwell Bulletin **Reminder** Breakfast ends at 7:50am so the kitchen can prepare for lunch.  If you would like your Bear to take advantage of free breakfast, please drop them off prior to 7:50am. Social Emotional Learning – SEL at BromwellContinue Reading

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PTA Meeting – In Person and Virtual
Kinder Eric Carle play
Bromwell Science Fair
Bear Paw Awards – Joy