Welcome to Bromwell Elementary

Bromwell teachers, staff, and the community believe in order for children to be successful, we need to consistently provide a safe, loving, supportive, respectful, positive, welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing environment where we believe in excellence for ALL students. Bromwell teachers, staff, and community create this excellence by meeting the Academic and Social Emotional needs of ALL students.

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Scholastic Book Fair is Coming!

Dear Families: Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!). Choosing their own books empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. AND—as always—every purchase at the Fair benefits our school. Here’s whatContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 02/15/24

Please remember to check Lost and Found!  It is once again overflowing.  Lost and Found is located in the hallway next to the office. Unfortunately, basketball is canceled due to no adults available to coach.  Hopefully we can bring teams back this Fall! Families ofContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 02/08/24

Join other parents and Bromwell staff at our Rocky Mountain Recess: The Bromwell Party and Auction on Saturday, April 13th! Skylight, 833 Santa Fe Drive from 6:30-9:30pm.  Light appetizers and open bar.   Get your tickets and reserve child care startingContinue Reading

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Kinder Eric Carle play
Bromwell Science Fair
Bear Paw Awards – Joy
Spring Break – No School