
Bromwell Bulletin 9/28/23

Our Volunteer-Run Library is Open! We are entering our third year of opening our library, thanks to all of the amazing volunteers in our community!  Please sign up HERE.  If you need training, please email Karen Calle from the PTA at Continue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 9/21/23

Our Volunteer-Run Library is Open! We are entering our third year of opening our library, thanks to all of the amazing volunteers in our community!  Please sign up HERE.  If you need training, please email Karen Calle from the PTA at Continue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 9/14/23

We need all families to complete the YouBenefit! Form – this affects our federal funding!  Families who fill out the YouBenefit! Form may qualify to receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support and more!  Please complete the form byContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 9/7/23

We need all families to complete the YouBenefit! Form – this affects our federal funding!  Families who fill out the YouBenefit! Form may qualify to receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support and more!  Please complete the form noContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin 8/31/23

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is September!  We look forward to seeing so many of you tonight for our Back to School Event . Just a few reminders for tonight: Presentations are 5:15 and 5:50, you only need to attend once forContinue Reading


Good Afternoon Bromwell! We look forward to welcoming all that can make it to our Back to School Night this Thursday starting at 5pm!  Below is a flyer with additional information, and here are some other important details: All entryContinue Reading

Bromwell Bulletin

August 24th We have had a successful first week back at schools!  Our Bears are getting into their routines and learning expectations, and we are all looking forward to some cooler weather tomorrow!  Below is some new information, followed byContinue Reading

School Supplies List

If you would like to order your supplies through our partnership with First Day School Supplies, be sure to order before July 1st. ECE List 1st Grade List 2nd Grade List 3rd Grade List 4th Grade List 5th Grade List

Principal Post

June 2, 2023 Dear Bromwell Families, Wow, what a week/month/year at Bromwell! For some of you, this is the last Principal Post that you’ll get from me. For others, you have years still at Bromwell to look forward to, andContinue Reading

August 27, 2021

What a terrific start to the school year BEARS!  It has been wonderful to have the students back and see so many smiling faces of both our Bears and their parents/family/caretakers.  There is a lot of information to communicate this week, so please read this bulletin in its entirety.  If there are any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to those named in each specific section, or your room parent.  We promise we will get you to the right place!  

CSC Nominations

COVID-19 Protocols and Health Absences

Bromwell is a Nut Safe School!

Volunteering at Bromwell

Calendar Planning:

Collaborative School Committee (CSC) Nomination for 1 Parent Representative (2-year term)

Nominations are due TUESDAY AUGUST 31st – Collaborative School Committee (CSC) brings together families, staff, and community members to create and implement a plan to promote high achievement within a school. This committee meets monthly throughout the school year.  More information can be found in the attachment below (Nomination form can be found here).

Health Absence Line and Covid Protocol – If your child will be absent because of illness, please call Nurse Brooke/Ashley Baker at 720.424.9340. For all other absences, please call the Attendance Line at 720-424-9380 or email by 8:15 a.m.

Quarantining/Positive COVID-19 Cases – During the 2021/22 school year, our goals regarding COVID-19 continue to be keeping our community safe and ensuring our students are in school with minimal disruption to learning.  CDC is learning more about how COVID 19 spreads and affects people and communities.  With this information, the CDPHE is guiding the rules and regulations regarding quarantining an entire classroom.  CDPHE’s new guidelines do not require quarantine for “routine classroom exposure.”  Unvaccinated students that test positive for COVID-19, or who have had close contact (defined as being within 3 feet for longer than 15 minutes indoors) with someone that has tested positive, will still be expected to quarantine based on CDPHE guidelines (10 days if not exhibiting symptoms (no testing required) OR 7 days if not exhibiting symptoms with proof of a negative PCR or Molecular COVID-19 test result. The test cannot be given earlier than day 5 from the last exposure and they cannot be in close contact with high-risk people).  Most fully vaccinated staff and our students will not be required to quarantine due to exposure but are encouraged to follow the testing and masking recommendation of CDC (testing 3-5 days after exposure, even if symptoms are not present, and continuing to wear a mask indoors at school).  Please report all suspected and positive COVID 19 results to Nurse Brooke (or our health tech Ashley Baker) at 720.424.9340.

Bromwell is a Nut Safe School – Nut-free lunches will be served this year at Bromwell.  Originally  we had a nut free table, but due to COVID-19 protocols, there is a new seating chart that does not allow for the nut free table.  Because of this we ask that all parents sending lunches with their children ensure they are nut free.  Nurse Brooke will be providing additional information soon to include further details on being a “Nut Safe School.” 

Volunteering at Bromwell – We love seeing the eagerness amongst our community to help support Bromwell.  Hopefully, most parents and caregivers are seeing printed communication regarding volunteer opportunities.  There are updated resources in Flyer as well.  We are hoping to engage those who can give a little time in addition to those who can give a lot this year!  To learn more, please touch base with your room parent, or fill out this form from the parent volunteer coordinator, Erin Phelan (she’s coordinating all volunteer roles for the school, and not just PTA ones).  Also, please be sure to complete your application here.

Further Opportunities to Support Bromwell – Amazon Smile has a continuous fundraiser for Bromwell families.  It’s super easy to participate and costs you nothing!  We currently raise about $1000/year from Amazon smile but we KNOW we can do better than that. Please find some additional information in the attachment below.  

Reduced priced tickets to catch the CU Buffs take on Northern CO on 9/3 for $25/ticket and Oregon State on 11/6

Kiss and Go Registration Link & Drop-Off/Pick Up Directions

Drop-off starts at 8:00AM for school to start at 8:10AM. 


Weekly To Do’s:

  1. Submit your CSC Nomination by August 31st.
  2. If you plan on picking up at Kiss and Go, please register your student(s) before the first day of school.
  3. Make sure to complete a volunteer application if you would like to volunteer this school year!  Returning parents who are previously approved need to reapply each year.  There is a DPS/Background Check that needs to be completed, in addition to the Bromwell application.