Welcome to Bromwell Elementary

Bromwell teachers, staff, and the community believe in order for children to be successful, we need to consistently provide a safe, loving, supportive, respectful, positive, welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing environment where we believe in excellence for ALL students. Bromwell teachers, staff, and community create this excellence by meeting the Academic and Social Emotional needs of ALL students.

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Marshall Fire Support Needed

Hello Bromwell Community, I know many of you have been searching for ways to help those impacted by the wildfires in both Superior and Louisville. The event was truly heartbreaking and tragic.  Clothes to Kids Denver (https://clothestokidsdenver.org/) is an incredibleContinue Reading

B-Well Bulletin

Important news, updates, and information included in this week’s Bromwell Bulletin! Principal Note The NED Show Follow-Up Staffing Update DPS 2022-2023 School Choice COVID Update Message from the Library Calendar Planning: December 20 – January 3 – NO SCHOOL/ WinterContinue Reading

School Choice

The 2022-23 School Choice application window opens Jan. 14, and now’s the time when our families begin planning for the next school year. We’ve put together resources, including the annual Great Schools Enrollment Guides, which will be mailed this month to allContinue Reading

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Kinder Eric Carle play
Bromwell Science Fair
Bear Paw Awards – Joy
Spring Break – No School