Bromwell teachers, staff, and the community believe in order for children to be successful, we need to consistently provide a safe, loving, supportive, respectful, positive, welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing environment where we believe in excellence for ALL students. Bromwell teachers, staff, and community create this excellence by meeting the Academic and Social Emotional needs of ALL students.
We wanted to remind everyone that the Bromwell Calendar is slightly different than the DPS calendar. Please mark your calendars for September 27th, October 15th, 18th, and 19th. Those will all be no contact days for students. If you would…Continue Reading
Important dates and information included in this week’s Bromwell Bulletin! CSC Meeting Rescheduled! Health Office / Nurse Brooke Update Breakfast Info School Fees Morning Drop-Off / Dismissal Updates Bromwell is hiring! Calendar Planning: TOMORROW September 17th – SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY!…Continue Reading
September 10, 2021 Important dates and information included in this week’s Bromwell Bulletin! CSC Vote/ E-BallotBloom School PicturesMorning / Dismissal UpdatesBromwell is hiring!Calendar Planning: September 14th @ 7:30PM PTA Meeting Zoom Link September 16th @ 4:00PM CSC Meeting Zoom Link September 27th…Continue Reading